Für Gameobjekte ist nicht unbedingt eine Änderung nötig http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1252365392
Blizz, please fix quest item respawn times. While leveling alts with my friend, we constantly have to wait for 5+ mins for quest items that need to be picked up from the ground to respawn. I don't understand why you make these items despawn to begin with, since it only slows down questing and wastes our time sitting on a boat killing 4+ waves of enemy respawns waiting for a stupid item.
Like "In with a Bang", Horde Swamp of Sorrows, you have to pick up 3 items from a boat. The enemies have respawned here 5 times, and the items take 5+ minutes to respawn. It's very annoying, and this isnt the only quest that does it, but other quests the items dont even despawn!
Add to these the Shadra item quests - which take an easy 4-5 minutes to respawn. I'd hate to be levelling with more than one other person and hit these quests, and have to wait 20 minutes just for people to be able to loot an item :(
Genauere Recherche wäre erforderlich.
Jedoch darf dies nicht mit https://redmine.rising-gods.de/issues/9694 verwechselt werden.