Genaue Quellen zum Verhalten von Distracting Shot und Feign Death hab ich nun nicht gefunden, jedoch:
Distracting Shot does not technically "taunt" the target, it just forces it to attack you for a period of time (like Mocking Blow). The difference is that a taunt will increase your threat so that it is higher than the highest player on the mob's threat list, whereas this spell just forces the target to attack you, regardless of anyone's threat levels. ->
This effect clears the hunter's threat and can be used to end combat causing enemies to either reset or attack a different target ->
The hunter loses all aggro, which causes the enemy to stop attacking them and either flee back to its "territory", attack the hunter's pet, or attack whomever has the next highest threat ->
Zusammengefasst also: Der Ablenkende Schuss ist im eigentlichen Sinne kein "Spott". Er zwingt den Gegner dich nur für 6sek anzugreifen, ohne Aggro zu erzeugen. Totstellen resetet dich von der Aggro-Liste. Da Ablenkender Schuss jedoch keine Aggro erzeugt, sondern nur den Gegner zwingt dich anzugreifen, dürfte Totstellen da nichts bringen.