


Textfehler #21978

Von B2B-SannerKek vor mehr als 7 Jahren aktualisiert

Wenn man Weissaher Nobundo anspricht sollte er eine Option für Allianzspieler anbieten: 

 Grüße, <Rasse>. 

 (Sprechblase) Erzählt mir mehr von Eurer Vergangenheit, Weissager. 

 Greetings, <race>. 

 (Gossipicon) Tell me of your past, Farseer. 

 My story? It is kind of you to ask. Very well. 

 Long ago on the planet Draenor - the remains of which are now known as the Outland - all of the draenei lived in peace. 
 But then the Burning Legion came, and they corrupted the orcs with their fel magics. 

 With no other option we fought to survive, but exposure to these fel energies had horrible effects upon some of us, over time transforming us into the Broken like me, or worse, the seemingly mindless Lost Ones. 

 Shall I go on? 

 (Gossipicon) Yes, please continue. 

 The fel energies also had the side-effect on the Broken and the Lost Ones of cutting us off from the Light. 
 At the time I did not know exactly why, but as a vindicator I insisted on finding out. I decided to make a pilgrimage to do just that. 

 And so it was that after the war came to its fateful end, I journeyed into the desert of the fragmented planet, beseeching the Light to return to us. 
 But decades passed, and the Light never answered my prayers. 

 Is this something that you wish to hear more of? 

 (Gossipicon) Yes, please, if you do not mind. 

 I had been fortunate to find an oasis and made the decision to stay there until I received an answer. 
 So there I sat, moving only when absolutely necessary, living off of the creatures that would come near the pool. Such was my pride. 

 As I said, decades passed without an answer. But I can remember a particularly beautiful sunset one evening. 
 A warm zephyr blew across the land and I was sure that I heard a voice, but no one was around. 

 As you can imagine, I thought that I was finally losing my mind. 

 (Gossipicon)     Nobundo, please continue. 

 There was something strange about that wind; it didn't stop. 
 For weeks it blew across the land, waxing and waning, but never ceasing. 
 And all the time the voice continued, though I could not understand it, nor did I know where it was coming from. 

 My time in solitude had taught me how to calm myself and look inward. This I did in order to keep my sanity. 
 And that is when I began to understand the voice. It was coming from the wind itself and it had much to say! 

 (Gossipicon) What did it say to you? 

 It spoke to me of secrets and power, and also of truths. 
 The Light had not forsaken the Broken! The fel energies that the orcs had wielded long ago against the draenei had infused us, causing a break in our ability to be heard by, or perhaps to hear, the Light. 
 The same that had been responsible for the degradation of our bodies. 

 But our spirits were not broken, and the air offered to me another path, through which I might deliver my people. 

 (Gossipicon) What was that? 

 It taught me the path of shamanism, which in a way is just another facet of the Light. 
 Joining the wind was the water of the oasis, the fire from my camp and the earth upon which I sat. All had something to say. 

 Over the next few years they taught me what it was to call upon and be one with the elements of the world. 
 And they told me that the worlds of all of the stars in the sky, even this one, are made up of these elements. 

 But the day came when I felt that I had learned enough to leave. 

 (Gossipicon) What did you do then? 

 I returned to my people and was greeted with smiling faces and outstretched arms, mostly from the Broken. 
 The prejudices against us from many draenei had continued in my absence. 
 But it was as if they knew that I was coming, and I soon found out why. 

 Velen, the prophet and leader of all of the draenei, had seen my return in one of his visions and was there to greet me as well. 
 He asked to speak with me in private and as I related my story to him, he nodded and smiled, for this too he had foreseen. 

 (Gossipicon) Please, go on. 

 Velen urged me to take a leadership role amongst the Broken. 
 But more importantly, he asked me to teach shamanism to all; Broken and draenei alike. I accepted. 

 We knew then that given the prejudices of some that this would be a difficult proposition at best. 
 There are those that despise the Broken because we are a frightening reminder of the past. 
 And there are others who believe the way of the shaman to be a blasphemy against the Light. 

 In any case, that is my tale. 

 *betroffener NPC:* 
 Weissager Nobundo 

