


Fehler #14044

Von Shienor vor mehr als 8 Jahren aktualisiert

Scheinbar sollte es einen Cooldown auf Random Anmeldungen in Dungeon Finder geben. 

 Unter anderem erwähnt in den "3.3.3 Patch Notes": 
 > * The Deserter debuff given to players who leave a dungeon prematurely when queuing via the Random Dungeon option has been increased to 30 minutes, up from 15 minutes. The cooldown for using the Random Dungeon option remains 15 minutes. 
 > * The Random Dungeon cooldown is no longer displayed as a debuff. Instead, players will see the cooldown time remaining displayed in the Dungeon Finder window when Random Dungeon or Random Heroic Dungeon is selected from the pull-down. 
 > * If a player in your party has the Deserter debuff, or is on cooldown from the Random Dungeon option, his or her character name will be displayed in the Dungeon Finder window listed as "On Cooldown," preventing the group from queuing. 

 TODO: Details dazu finden. 

 *Erst Fixen wenn Fehler #6279 live ist.*
