



Fehler #42412


Snapshotting on Shadow and Affli. Bug in refresh effect from Pain and Suffering and Everlasting Afflication. (Discussion)

Von swiftdeath vor 2 Monaten hinzugefügt. Vor etwa 1 Monat aktualisiert.

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Ich schreib das Ticket in Englisch, weil das auf Deutsch ein bisschen schwer zu erklären ist.

I have opened this thread since I’m fairly new to this server and want to start a discussion to perhaps unravel a, from what I can see, mystery (bug) in regards to the talents named in the subject.

It has come to my attention that there might be a problem on this server in regards to snapshotting 'Shadow Word: Pain' (Schattenword: Schmerz) and 'Corruption' (Verderbnis). Perhaps this is even the case for all snapshotting, but for said spells it is a realistic scenario.

From what I have been able to deduce, is that the refreshing effect of the Warlock and Priest talents and respectively, has a miss chance on RG. When this miss happens, the server returns a failed application (miss) of Corruption or Shadow Word: Pain respectively. This should not happen, and I have not seen this happen on any other servers or on classic/retail.

As you can see in the links above, the Flags for these talents are very clear that these effects do NOT have a chance to miss. If we then take a look at the RG DB version of these effects, we will find under Flags that these effects actually DO have a chance to miss (and crit for that matter) on RG.

Wowhead Retail Flags:
Passive spell
Aura is hidden

RG-Links: (Hexertalent Immerwährende Gebrechen) (Priestertalent Schmerz und Leid)

RG Flags:
Kann im Kampf gewirkt werden
Chance, kritisch zu treffen
Chance to verfehlen
Passiver Zauber

The question then arises, while this talent can now miss on RG (and returns a miss on both ‘Corruption’ and ‘Shadow Word: Pain’), does it actually apply a NEW DoT effect, instead of REFRESHING the duration of the current snapshotted DoT, making Priests and Warlocks lose their snapshots.

If the above is true, this means the following for Shadow Priests: Stacking Shadow Weaving to 10% and then snapshotting Shadow Word: Pain with Inner Focus (and any other temp crit effect like Wild Magic pot), gives us (raidbuffed) up to 75% crit chance on said spell (SWP). I have not nearly been able to reproduce this amount of crit chance in fully buffed 25 man raids. This supports the following scenario: As soon as I cast my first Mind Flay (after I have applied Shadow Word: Pain with Inner Focus active), the DoT is REAPPLIED instead of REFRESHED. This amounts to a considerable DPS loss.

This scenario is also supported by my raid logs. Fully raid (25M) buffed my current SP has somewhere between 43-45% crit chance on Shadow Word: Pain. With Inner Focus this would amount to 68-70% crit chance for Shadow Word: Pain. Generally speaking, my Shadow Word: Pain critical strikes on 25-man boss fight are anywhere between 42 and 52%. This would be in accordance with my raid buffed crit amount in combination with RNG.

Generally speaking this scenario is less critical for Warlocks, as they do not have a snapshot ability like Inner Focus, and thus also have a less significant DPS loss.

Lastly, I have heard this server has dynamic spell power scaling. Could this bug have something to do with the dynamic spell power scaling that I’ve been hearing about?

Thank you all for your time!


2024-09-13 15_12_08-World of Warcraft.png (18,6 KB) 2024-09-13 15_12_08-World of Warcraft.png (6% hit from talents) Mind Flay hit and Pain and Suffering miss swiftdeath, 13.09.2024 13:12
2024-09-13 15_13_19-World of Warcraft.png (106 KB) 2024-09-13 15_13_19-World of Warcraft.png (6% hit from talents) Skada tracks the Pain and Suffering misses swiftdeath, 13.09.2024 13:13
2024-09-13 15_31_15-World of Warcraft.png (32,6 KB) 2024-09-13 15_31_15-World of Warcraft.png (15,45% hit from gear + talents) Mind Flay hit and Pain and Suffering miss swiftdeath, 13.09.2024 13:31
2024-09-13 15_33_06-World of Warcraft.png (99,2 KB) 2024-09-13 15_33_06-World of Warcraft.png (15,45% hit from gear + talents) Skada tracks the Pain and Suffering misses swiftdeath, 13.09.2024 13:33
2024-09-13 15_26_24-World of Warcraft.png (14,8 KB) 2024-09-13 15_26_24-World of Warcraft.png (15,45% hit from gear + talents) Mind Flay miss and Pain and Suffering hit swiftdeath, 13.09.2024 13:33

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