Wahrscheinlich hat Yarwi das schon richtig gefixed, aber nur um sicher zu gehen:
- Zu TBC wird der Debuff nur dann applied, wenn der Effekt vom Blutdistel Consume ausläuft, ohne ihn vorher erneuert zu haben. Auch ein erneuter Consume einer Blutdistel dispelled den Debuff.
- Zu TBC Zeiten ist der Debuff nicht - wie oben verlinkt - ein 5 Int-Malus, sondern ein 5 Willenskraft Malus, die Änderung zur Int-Reduktion kam erst mit Patch 4.0
- Der Debuff Blutdistelentzug ist durch Segen des Schutzes auch auf befreundeten Spielern durch eine Paladin dispellbar.
"It boosts your spell damage and healing by 10. If the effect wears out, you suffer from "Bloodthistle Withdrawl" for 15 minutes. The debuff reduces your spirit by 5." (on 2007/01/27 (Patch 2.0.6))
"As of 4.0 the withdrawl debuff has been changed. It is now a full 5 int penalty for 20 minutes. I guess they realized the spirit isn't a penalty anymore with low level regen changed and with 2/3rds of the casters not even caring about spirit as a stat." (on 2011/03/14 (Patch 4.0.3))
"This may be useful for lvl 19 caster/healer twinks actually, since it does stack with any buff or food. 10 extra spell damage/healing would make the twink a little bit stronger, just be sure to rebuff with this before it wears outand the debuff comes." (on 2008/05/16 (Patch 2.4.1))
"The debuff you gain after the buff ends can be dispelled with Divine Protection or Blessing of Protection. Useful for Paladins leveling." (on 2007/10/13 (Patch 2.2.3))
Alle Quellen aus: https://www.wowhead.com/item=22710/bloodthistle#comments