Fehler #36622
offenFehler #7097: Instanzen/Raids
Fehler #14838: Geschmolzener Kern
[Instanzen/Raids][Geschmolzener Kern] Runen der Wächter
Die Runen der Wächter oder auch Wächterrunen sind nicht existent, können/müssen zurzeit nicht gelöscht werden, damit Majordomus Executos (+ seine Diener) erscheint.
- # Wässrige Quintessenz kann nur 1x pro Woche (ID) pro Spieler bei Fürst Hydraxis geholt werden. Sie löst sich nach Benutung auf und verschwindet aus dem Inventar.
- # Ewige Quintessenz kann der Spieler nur 1x erhalten, wenn er sie zerstört, bleibt sie zerstört. Sie hat 1h cooldown nach Benutzung.
By Dionysios04 (788 – 4·5) on 2008/03/16 (Patch 2.3.3)
Aqual Quintessence is used to douse the runes found near most bosses in Molten Core. This is required to summon Majordomo Executus and Ragnaros.
Reaching revered status with the Hydraxian Waterlords allows you to obtain the Eternal Quintessence (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=22754), which replenishes itself and eliminates the need to return to Hydraxis to obtain a new quintessence every week.
Von vadere (1,401 – 4·12) am 2006.11.21 (Patch 1.12.1)
You get this from being Revered with Hydraxian Waterlords, and then talking to Duke Hydraxis. It has a 1-hour cooldown.
HolyBelgarath am 2008.12.28 (Patch 3.0.3)
You can always get a http://www.wowhead.com/?item=17333 if you're not revered but did the chain to kill maggy lucy gehennas and i dont remember who was the fourth. Hell, if you have a mage and a warlock its pretty faster than waiting on the 60m cooldown.
Von WitchKing (6,377 – 1·16·40) am 2007.01.06 (Patch 2.0.1)
The important thing to remember with this item is that it's reusable as opposed to the aqual quintessence which is a one-time use. There are 8 runes located in Molten Core, so unless you have 8 different people in the raid (each with an Aqual Quintessence), you won't be able to summon Majordomo. With this, you can easily get by with two people in the raid (each with an Eternal Quintessence) since most end-game guilds are able to fully clear MC in around 4-5 hours.
It was used to douse the runes that exist in Molten Core. When all seven runes are doused (one for each boss except Lucifron), Majordomo Executus will spawn.
The [Eternal Quintessence], a permanent, non-consumable version of the Aqual Quintessence, was introduced in Patch 1.11 for players once they have reached revered reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords. This eliminates the need for players to travel to Azshara every week in order to summon Mob Majordomo Executus in the Core.
betroffene Gegenstände:
Wässrige Quintessenz https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?item=17333
Ewige Quintessenz https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?item=22754
betroffene Objekte:
Rune von Kress https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?object=176956 (Magmadar)
Rune von Mohn https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?object=176957 (Gehennas)
Rune von Blaz https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?object=176955 (Garr)
Rune von Zeth https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?object=176952 (Geddon)
Rune von Mazj https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?object=176953 (Shazzrah)
Rune von Koro https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?object=176951 (Sulfuronherold)
Rune von Theri https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?object=176954 (Golemagg der Verbrenner)
betroffene Zauber:
Rune des geschmolzenen Kerns löschen https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?spell=21358
Wässrige Quintessenz herstellen https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?spell=21357
Ewige Quintessenz herstellen https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?spell=28439
betroffene NPCs:
Fürst Hydraxis https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?npc=13278
Majordomus Exekutus https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?npc=12018
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