Hmmm hab zu den Proccs mal Spontan bissel geschaut und das bisher gefunden:
Nezogib am 2007.05.29 (Patch 2.1.0)
proc chance = 27% assuming 6ppm (any rogue getting this should not have much lower than 308 hit rating which means misses are not an issue for white attack procs) SnD is always up for a rogue. = 7.8 ppm on average from white attacks Throw in a SS every 4 seconds (in actuality, there should be more) = 4.05 ppm from SS totals to an average of 11.85 ppm which is about the equivalent of 2 energy per second. (1.975 per sec) The real value would be higher b/c there is more energy from the proc and combat potency that would amount to more sinister strikes and even more procs. Also, if extra hast
gama8901 am 2007.05.30 (Patch 2.1.0)
Estimated 6 ppm, effectively adding 2 energy per second. The effect is probably a percent though, further improving the valvue of haste rating to squeeze out even more hits.
csulok am 2007.06.02 (Patch 2.1.0)
how is 6 proc per minutes 2 energy per second? 6 proc per minute = 1 proc per 10 seconds = 10 energy per 10 seconds = 1 energy per second / 2 energy per tick.. which would increase energy regeneration by 10% of course this is just an average ..
Felheim am 2007.07.14 (Patch 2.1.3)
I looted this mace the other night, and after testing it, I can confidently say there's no way the proc is anywhere near 27%. I'm not sure if that was a typographical error on your part, because if it was 27% the result would be far more than 6PPM. I'm yet to extensively test it on the mobs in the blasted lands, but if I was to offer an estimate, I'd put it at a 5% proc. That being said, it's a terrific mace nonetheless, and the proc is nothing short of godly.
Cramerr am 2007.10.20 (Patch 2.2.3)
I was kind of shocked when I heard 6 ppm. I decided to go to blasted lands a few weeks ago and test for myself. After 25 minutes of beating on a servant I came out to 3.1 ppm according to procwatch.
robosatan am 2008.03.03 (Patch 2.3.3)
Wrong... It must be around 25% proc rate for 6 ppm. 1 min = 60 seconds 6 ppm = 1 proc every 10 secs 10 secs / attack speed 2.7 = 3.7 attacks between each proc 100% / 3.7 atacks = 27% Sure there will be 2 or 3 sinister strikes in there some place, but even then the proc rate must be pretty high. I'd say it's somewhere in the region of 15-20% to proc
Also bei 6 proccs die minute würden alle 10 sek ja hinkommen, gibt aber auch etwas abweichende aussagen in den Kommentaren aber das könnte auch Hitabhängig sein.
Sonst noch das gefunden:
But the proc is erratic, it doesn't "go off" all the time.
I just got it, so I need more testing with procwatch.
Most of my experience is in pvp gear; ie low +hit
Anywhere from 3-6 ppm maybe right. Obviously, the lower your +hit, the lower the proc.
Though it is nice once in a blue moon, combat potency goes off, relentless strikes goes off, and this proces for a lil burst of 50 energy all at once :p
Hab aber auch irgendwo gelesen gehabt das es wohl mit 2.2? einen nerf gegeben haben soll, müsste noch genauer nachgeschaut werden ob und wenn ja was genau da geneft wurde.
Aber es steht auch jedem frei sich selbst auf die Suche nach quellen zu machen und wenn man was ordentlich belegen kann kann das sicherlich auch umgesetzt werden :)