Fehler #31305
geschlossenFehler #5881: [Quest] Nordend - Hauptticket
Fehler #6019: [Quest] Der Heulender Fjord - Hauptticket
[Howling Fjord] "Iron Rune ..." optical and IC-Behavior
Update Text Deutsch:
Einige Kreaturen im Gebiet [zone=4005] wurden überarbeitet.
The following creatures shouldn't have any Movement and they should lie on the ground like they were dead:
Iron Rune Destroyer :
Iron Rune Sage
And one more Iron Rune Sage (also looking dead) is needed at the position: 1140.083 -6174.577 266.101 (exact data can be found in the sniff)
The IC-Behavior of the Iron Rune Sage and the Iron Rune Laborer is missing
Iron Rune Sage:
-Cast Fireball every 10 - 15 seconds, the first time after 3 - 7 seconds
-Cast Cone of Cold every 30 - 40 seconds
Iron Rune Laborer:
-Cast Puncture Wound every 12 - 18 seconds