Fehler #30939
geschlossenFehler #5881: [Quest] Nordend - Hauptticket
Fehler #5882: [Quest] Boreanische Tundra - Hauptticket
[Borean Tundra]Questcredit for "The Art of Persuasion" is granted too late
Update Text Deutsch:
Der Questcredit für [quest=11648|Überredungskunst] in der [zone=3537|Boreanischen Tundra] wird nun korrekt vergeben.
The quest credit for the quest The Art of Persuasion is given too late. Blizzlike it should be given when the Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer uses his fifth text. ("Alright! I am beaten. Your precious archmage is held in a prison, elevated and sealed. Even if you manage to reach her, Salrand herself holds the key. Your mission is folly!")
And the Sorcerer should whisper the texts to the player. On our server he says his texts.