Fehler #25631
geschlossenFehler #7097: Instanzen/Raids
Fehler #26336: Zul'Gurub
[Zul'Gurub][NPC] Gahz'ranka - kann mehrfach beschworen werden
Gahz'ranka ist ein optionaler Boss in Zul'Gurub, der wie folgt beschworen werden kann:
Von ozweepay (2,888 – 4·20) am 2008.05.05 (Patch 2.4.1)
For those uninitiated...
To summon Gahz'ranka you'll need mudskunk lures and zulian mudskunks (fish). Here are the steps:
(1) Enter ZG (you'll need to be at least lvl 55 and in a raid group... get a friend to grp with you and convert to raid; if either of you drops group, you'll be ported, so get someone who isn't questing since being in a raid will prevent him from completing most quests). I recommend lvl 70 so you have a small aggro radius. Make an immediate left through the tall grass and pass to the left of a troll mob in front of a hut (you can mind-soothe as a priest, but it's really unnecessary at 70). Jump into the water, and swim over the waterfall and down into a large circular moat.
(2) You may aggro the fish ("Frenzies"), but they are 60 elite and any class in decent gear can solo them. They give you a 75% armor debuff, but this shouldn't be a problem unless you're fighting more than 1 or 2. Kill the fish.
(3) Go clockwise, killing fish as needed. The 4-packs or 5-packs of alligators on the shore won't aggro if you stay away from them. Some classes can solo these alligators (my holy pally has no problem, but my priest has a rough time), and you may want to for the rep items they drop (coins and bijous) if you care about ZG rep. ZG rep is still useful for enchanters interested in producing mana oil and wizard oil considered by some to be superior to their TBC replacements.
(4) Pagle Point is on the NE corner and pretty obvious. It has no alligators. Run ashore there and collect up as much Darkmoon Special Reserve as you like (gets you drunk). Click on Nat Pagle's measuring tape and accept the quest.
(5) Hearth, force-hearth, or die (naked, but the run-back is longish) and go visit Nat Pagle in Duskwallow Marsh. Turn in the quest, and buy a bunch of Mudskunk Lures from him (1g each).
(6) Return to ZG with a fishing pole and some fishing skill. Look for "muddy churning water" pools (often near alligator groups; if you have fish-finding ability, turn it on) and fish up 5 Zulian Mudskunks. You need 425 fishing to avoid getaways, so max fishing (375 skill) and a lure guarantees you no headaches. You won't be able to fish from land in most spots without aggroing the gators, so either use a priest/shaman (Levitate or Water Walking) to fish, or solo the alligator packs (if you can) or go back to Pagle Point and fish the single pool there, if it exists. Unfortunately a pool will usually yield only 2-3 fish. The pools respawn after some time, probably after soft-reset. The alligator-packs will as well.
An option for non-priest/shaman is to use Elixir of Waterwalking. This elixir is a common reward from the fishing daily, and they are often on the AH.
On some servers the fish are for sale, but that's uncommon.
(7) Get yourself a group and go back to Pagle Point in ZG. Decide on your strategy and click on a Mudskunk Lure with 5 fish in inventory (you do not need fishing skill to do this... anyone can summon with a lure and 5 fish... they are not soulbound). This summons Gahz'ranka. He has been soloed in 70mins, but obviously it's much easier with 3 friends in 5mins.
Go kill the tiger boss up the hill and get your tiger mount afterward! Good luck.
Hierbei tritt folgender Fehler auf, er ist aktuell mehrfach "beschwörbar".
Als ein Boss, der einer ID zugehörig ist, sollte das nicht funktionieren dürfen.
Hohes potential des 'bugabuse'! <<
betroffener NPC:
Gahz'ranka https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?npc=15114
betroffene Gegenstände:
Matschstinkerköder https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?item=19974
Zulianischer Matschstinker https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?item=19975
betroffener Zauber:
Pagles Spitzenzauber - Matschstinkerköder herstellen https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?spell=24325
betroffenes Objekt:
Matschstinkerköder https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?object=180346
betroffenes Event:
ID 9104
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