Fehler #25242
offen[Zauber] Vergessenes Wissen - Klinge der Zauberei
Hat hier keinen ICD. Laut diesen Quellen sollte dies allerdings der Fall sein:
To cross-reference some rogue discussion about the trinket Hourglass of the Unraveller in the Rogue DPS Spreadsheet. Starting at post #546, continuing for a few pages, and ending about post #571.
It was concluded that items with a chance to proc a buff for x seconds have a hidden cooldown of: 3 x length of buff. The hidden cooldown for both of those items should be 18seconds.
18 second cooldown feels about right - i was guessing around a 20 second cooldown and the eye and sword can stack for a 50% haste rating... but what I was hoping for was someone brave enough to prove that either the haste rating was superior or inferior to that extra dmg / extra crit