Fehler #24607
geschlossenFehler #4059: [Paladin] - Hauptticket
[Paladin] Flamme des Glaubens sollten von Heal-Modifiern profitieren
Flamme des Glaubens profitiert nun von heilungserhöhenden Effekten auf dem Ziel der Flamme.
Flamme des Glaubens sollte von Heal-Modifiern profitieren. Siehe dazu:
"Valithria Dreamwalker
Who to heal? Beacon Valithria and heal yourself, stand near her hitbox for GoHL splash as it will double dip into your % healing modifiers. Using Seal of Light, the 245 badge libram, and 51/5/15 spec are good healing choices, assuming you are going inside the portals.
When to Plea? While inside the portal that the boss spawns. However, you will not need to Plea if you are using the
portals to maintain your buff stack.
What to watch out for? When the portals are up, jump inside to get a healing/mp5 buff. Try to go every portal or make some arrangement with the other healers so the same healer goes into every portal so you can get a large stack.
Cool tricks: Use Crusader Aura while in the dream world. AM Crusader Aura to go even faster. Take every portal. When you get a high stack (30+), if a Holy Priest is available ask for Guardian Spirit on her, ask for a Bloodlust, pop Wings and DI all at the same time (if using Tier 10), and then spam HL. AM Fire Aura if the Blazing mob is casting its AoE spell. AM Frost Aura is better if people are slow to interrupt the Frost Lich. Frost Aura is generally better. "
Momentan hat Flamme des Glaubens einen Flag, der verhindert dass Beacon of Light Bonushealing bekommt. Der Grund dafür war vermutlich, dass es nicht mit Modifiern doubledippen sollte, da bisher Flamme Bonusheilung vom ursprünglichen Ziel übernommen hat. Wird mit #24067 aber gefixt => Weg ist frei
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