



Fehler #24067


Fehler #4059: [Paladin] - Hauptticket

[Paladin] Flamme des Glaubens nutzt zusätzlich Heilungsboni des Ziels des Ursprünglichen Heals.

Von Xalkar vor etwa 7 Jahren hinzugefügt. Vor etwa 6 Jahren aktualisiert.

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Flamme des Glaubens sollte nun keine zusätzlichen Heilungsboni des Ziels der ursprünglichen Heilung mehr übernehmen.



Moin ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob es ein Bug ist wurde aber von Tamarjoz hierher verwiesen und zwar geht es um den Dreamwalker fight.
Ich bin der Meinung, dass
- Blut des Rhinozeros[[]]
bzw Hexenmeistern mit der
- Dämonenrüstung [[]]
- oder Dämonenrüstung in Kombination mit Dämonische Ägide [[]]
zu stark skalieren und somit nicht arbeiten wie es soll.


"Quote Originally Posted by Kralljin
and what would be if you take a Tenacity Pet? ( If the Hunter is bm)
+ (Only Tenacity Pet skill) =

That's much better if Beacon works also on pets because:
1.It's a pet, not a raidmember
2.These 2 skills are PASSIVE, not like Vampiric Blood
Sorry, no go on this. We tested it out extensively last night, and beacon does not seem to take any healing buffs with it. We tested out with a bm pet, and my holy lights were critting for ~30k, but the beacon was only healing for the normal 20ish. I also tested this on myself (with divinity) while another person was beaconed. The holy lights were healing for 5 more than the beacon.

On thing that does work however (and isn't useful for this fight, just thought I'd throw it in) is static healing buffs. One of our tanks grabbed the 1 hander that procs the +300 healing, and that did transfer over with the beacon."

" Quote Originally Posted by aeauvian
Sorry, no go on this. We tested it out extensively last night, and beacon does not seem to take any healing buffs with it. We tested out with a bm pet, and my holy lights were critting for ~30k, but the beacon was only healing for the normal 20ish. I also tested this on myself (with divinity) while another person was beaconed. The holy lights were healing for 5 more than the beacon.

On thing that does work however (and isn't useful for this fight, just thought I'd throw it in) is static healing buffs. One of our tanks grabbed the 1 hander that procs the +300 healing, and that did transfer over with the beacon.
It's well known that beacon heals take the holy light value before any healing buffs on the holy light target.
The purpose of the DK/holypriests in my strategy was to buff up the holy light in order to give huge glyph heals (since the glyph heals benefit from the dreamwalker buff after getting massively boosted by the huge holy lights)."

Dies sollte ausreichend sein um meine Meinung zu untermauern.

Falls ich etwas völlig falsch verstanden habe, einfach korrigieren, denn man lernt ja nicht aus.


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