Fehler #19761
offenFehler #7065: World-Events
Fehler #19770: Sonnenwendfest
[Sonnenwendfest][Mechanik] Es fehlen drei Buffs die man erhält beim Abschließen von Quests oder Löschen/Anzünden von Freudenfeuern
- 1. Sonnenwendfestverstärkung http://de.wowhead.com/spell=29235/sonnenwendfestverstarkung / https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?spell=29235
ACHTUNG: Hält über den Tod hinaus und kann ebenfalls erhalten werden, wenn man tot ist.
Fire Festival Fortitude is a buff gained when a player of the same faction completes one of the following quests:
A [70] Stealing Orgrimmar's Flame
A [70] Stealing Thunder Bluff's Flame
A [70] Stealing the Undercity's Flame
A [70] Stealing Silvermoon's Flame
H [70] Stealing Darnassus's Flame
H [70] Stealing Ironforge's Flame
H [70] Stealing Stormwind's Flame
H [70] Stealing the Exodar's Flame
- 2. Segen des Freudenfeuers http://de.wowhead.com/spell=45444/segen-des-freudenfeuers / https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?spell=45444
Achtung: Zonenbuff.
Bonfire's Blessing is a zone-wide buff available during the Midsummer Fire Festival. It is automatically given to and taken away from players when the bonfire for their faction in the zone is lit or unlit, respectively.
Bonfire's Blessing does damage equal to 10 times the player's level. At level 1, it deals 10 fire damage. At level 70, 700 fire damage, etc. This can critically hit for 100% bonus damage. Buffs that increase fire damage increase its damage, such as the mastery of Enhancement Shamans, [Mastery: Enhanced Elements].
Has standard 45s hidden cooldown.
- 3. Furor des Sonnenwendfestes http://de.wowhead.com/spell=29338/furor-des-sonnenwendfestes / https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?spell=29338
Fire Festival Fury is a buff gained by throwing a Burning Blossom onto a bonfire.
This buff replaces battle elixirs.
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