Fehler #16375
geschlossen[NPC] Kudrii - Castevent
Kudrii wurde ein Emoteevent hinzugefügt.
waypoints for her:
-- Pathing for Entry: 16742 'UDB FORMAT'
UPDATE `creature` SET `position_x`=-3893.313,`position_y`=-11485.78,`position_z`=-135.9678 WHERE `guid`=@GUID;
DELETE FROM `creature_movement` WHERE `id`=@GUID;
INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`,`point`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`waittime`,`script_id`,`textid1`,`textid2`,`textid3`,`textid4`,`textid5`,`emote`,`spell`,`wpguid`,`orientation`,`model1`,`model2`) VALUES
-- 0x1C39C04240105980000025000042CCC4 .go -3888.563 -11494.28 -135.9678
ServerToClient: SMSG_SPELL_START (0x03F5) Length: 106 ConnIdx: 1 Time: 11/15/2015 11:15:37.891 Number: 49
(Cast) CasterGUID: Full: 0x1C39C04240105980000025000042CCC4 Creature/0 R3696/S37 Map: 530 Entry: 16742 Low: 4377796
(Cast) CasterUnit: Full: 0x1C39C04240105980000025000042CCC4 Creature/0 R3696/S37 Map: 530 Entry: 16742 Low: 4377796
(Cast) CastID: 0
(Cast) SpellID: 32990 (32990)
waypoint one - stop wp - wait 24 seconds - cast spell - wait further 23 seconds - run to waypoint 6
waypoint six - stop wp - oneshot talk emote - wait 17 seconds - run to waypoint 1