Fehler #14545
geschlossenFehler #8074: [Naxxramas] - Hauptticket
Fehler #8077: [Naxxramas][Das Militärviertel] - Hauptticket
Fehler #8088: [Naxxramas][Das Militärviertel] - Das Reiterkonzil
[Naxxramas][Das Militärviertel][Das Reiterkonzil] Die Dots werden nicht richtig verteilt
Die Male werden jetzt von Than Korth'azz und Baron Totenschwur alle 12 Sekunden vergeben.
Die Dots sollten in 2 verschiedenen Abständen verteilt werden. Bei uns verteilen alle 4 Reiter in 15 Sekunden Takt ihren Dot.
Beginnen sollten sie mit dem ersten Dot nach 24 Sekunden.
Zeliek (Entry: 16063) und Blaumeux (Entry: 16065) alle 15 Sekunden.
Than Korth'azz (Entry: 16064) und Baron Totenschwur (Entry: 30549) alle 12 Sekunden.
Zitat aus WOWwiki:
25-man Abilitis:
Each of the four horsemen cast their own Mark, which have identical effects. Cast after 24 seconds and then every 12 seconds for Kor'Thazz and Rivendare and every 15 seconds for Zeliek and Blaumeux. Stacks infinitely. The first stack will do 0 unresistable shadow damage. The second 500. The third 1500. The fourth 4000. The fifth 12,500. The sixth 20,000. The seventh 21,000. The eighth 22,000 and so on increasing by 1,000 every subsequent mark. While the initial damage caused by the application cannot be resisted, the application of the Mark can be resisted. 45 yard range. 25 second duration. Marks hit everyone in range and will reduce the threat on the Horseman of everyone hit by 50%. Should there be no one in range in the raid to receive a mark, the entire raid will instead be hit by a very powerful AoE. Mark of Korth'azz will be cast at the same time as Mark of Rivendare, but at a higher frequency than the Mark of Blaumeux and Mark of Zeliek.
10-man Abilitis:
The Four Horsemen each have approximately 781,000 hit points. They will run into separate corners of the room when engaged. Marks will reduce threat by 50%