By KamikazeMoron (393 – 1·3) on 2009/08/17 (Patch 3.2.0)
Toxic Tolerance leads to the quest Venomhide Eggs
Toxic Tolerance is a very annoying quest because you have to be doing damage to the Venomhide Ravasuare for it to be able to bleed on you. The higher level you are the harder of a time you will have with this quest.
Once you do compelte the Toxic Tolerance quest you will then continue o to Venomhide Eggs
Venomhide Eggs is a very easy quest. Just got to the egg piles that you went to for the Lar'korwi quest The Scent of Lar'korwi
Once you are done that you will receive the quest They Grow Up So Fast. This quest gives you a non combot pet that takes up bag space that you summon that will give you a daily quest. Completeing the daily quest will give you a venomhide baby tooth.
To complete They Grow Up So Fast you will need the following
Venomhide Baby Tooth x20
Runecloth x20
Rugged Leather x20
Gold x80
and then presto you have yourself a Venomhide Ravasaur Mount
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