Fehler #10814
geschlossen[Event][Braufest] Angriff der Dunkeleisenzwerge
Der Angriff der Dunkeleisenzwerge wurde komplett überarbeitet.
Der Zähler für die Dunkeleisenzwerge funktioniert nicht richtig.
Auszug aus WoWwiki.com
The Dark Iron Mole Machine Wreckage only spawns if the Dark Iron Dwarves are defeated, there have been reports that approximately 250 Dark Iron Dwarves must be knocked out in order for their side to lose. (This may have been true in the past, but observation in 2009's event bears evidence that winning is time based, not based on the quantity killed. All wins observed occurred five minutes after the attack started, and the number of Dark Iron Dwarves killed varied from just over two hundred to around three hundred. Some losses had around 270 killed. The only factor that seemed consistent was if there was at least one cask with at least some health remaining when the five minute mark was reached.) It will despawn after 15 minutes. The defeated Dark Iron Dwarves running toward their exit point can still be attacked and will still knock you back. Stunned Dark Iron Dwarves who revive late can occasionally be seen running to the despawn point after their conveyance has departed. If you need to clear a bag slot quickly (see ram racing below), the lootable defense mug is a good item to toss, since it can be easily replaced. Dark Iron Song, sing during the event: