Fehler #10794
geschlossen[Event][Braufest] Zapfus Schwindelfass
Zapfus Schwindelfass hat seinen Zettel mit deutschen Texten wiedergefunden.
Zapfus Schwindelfass sollte je nach Situation verschiedene Dinge sagen:
Tapper Swindlekeg says:
Hey there, and welcome to Brewfest. Come in and have a drink or three!
What's up, friend? Welcome to the Brewfest Grounds! Now go buy some drinks!
Hey hey, it's another <class>! Welcome to my annual Brewfest celebration... now go feast and drink some!
Tapper Swindlekeg says: (Direbrew's Dire Brew complete)
Well time's money, and time's wasting! Let's have that drink...
Wow! This really greases the steamplugs!
If I were an honest goblin, I'd say this was the best beer of the festival...
Too bad Coren's dead. If I could buy that brew from him and resell it -- watered down and rebottled under my own label, of course -- I'd be rich!
Tapper Swindlekeg yells: (Tapping of the Keg)
In 20 minutes Vol'jin will tap the Brewfest Keg!
Only 10 more minutes until Vol'jin taps the Brewfest keg!
Vol'jin is on his way! The "Tapping of the Keg" will take place in just a few short minutes!
Momentan sagt er jedes Mal wenn man in seine Nähe kommt nur:
Wow! This really greases the steamplugs!