


Fehler #10333

Von shaked11 vor mehr als 9 Jahren aktualisiert

Earth Totems: 

 Earthbind - Does not stack Aktuell stacken Totems, die einen Buff hinterlassen. 
 Stoneclaw - Stacks zb:  
 Erdsträrke 1,2,3,4,5 
 Stoneskin - Does not stack oder Manaquell 5,4,3,2,1 stacken miteinander.  

 Selbiges funktioniert bei allen Totems. 
 Strength of Earth - Does not stack 
 Tremor - Stacks 
 Earth Elemental - Stacks 

 Fire Totems: 

 Searing/Fire Nova/Magma - Stacks 
 Frost Resistance - Does not stack 
 Flametongue - Does not stack 
 Totem of Wrath - Stacks 
 Fire Elemental - Stacks 

 Water Totems: 

 Healing Stream - Stacks 
 Mana Spring - Does not stack 
 Poison Cleansing - Stacks 
 Disease Cleansing - Stacks 
 Mana Tide - Stacks 
 Fire Resistance - Does not stack 

 Air Totems: 

 Grace of Air - Does not stack 
 Windfury Totem - Does not stack 
 Grounding Totem - Stacks 
 Windwall - Does not stack 
 Sentry Totem - Does not stack 
 Nature Resistance - Does not stack 
 Tranquil Air - Does not stack 
 Wrath of Air - Does not stack
