


Fehler #367

Von idostyle vor mehr als 12 Jahren aktualisiert

# Minor armor reduction 
 #* "Faerie Fire": (770) 
 #* "Faerie Fire": (Feral) (16857) 
 #* "Sting": (56626) 
 #* "Curse of Recklessness": (16231) 
 # Major armor reduction 
 #* "Sunder Armor": (7386) 
 #* "Expose Armor": (8647) 
 #* "Acid Spit": (55749) 
 # Stamina 
 #* "Power Word: Fortitude": (1243) 
 #* "Prayer of Fortitude": (21562) 
 #* "Fortitude": (Runescroll of Fortitude) (72590) 
 #* "Stamina": (Scroll of Stamina) (8099) 
 # Life 
 #* "Commanding Shout": (469) 
 #* "Blood Pact": (6307) 
 # Intellect 
 #* "Arcane Intellect": (1459) 
 #* "Arcane Brilliance": (23028) 
 #* "Dalaran Brillance": (61316) 
 #* "Fel Intelligence": (54424) 
 #* "Intellect": (Scroll of Intellect) (8096) 
 # Spirit 
 #* "Divine Spirit": (14752) 
 #* "Prayer of Spirit": (27681) 
 #* "Fel Intelligence": (54424) 
 #* "Spirit": (Scroll of Spirit) (8112) 
 # Strength & Agility 
 #* "Horn of Winter": (57330) 
 #* "Strength of Earth": (Strength of Earth Totem) (8076) 
 #* "": () 
 #* "": () 
 # Attack Power 
 #* "Battle Shout": (6673) 
 #* "Blessing of Might": (19740) 
 #* "Greater Blessing of Might": (25782) 
 # Melee & range crit % 
 #* "Leader of the Pack": (17007) 
 #* "Rampage": (29801) 
 # Spell crit % 
 #* "Moonkin Aura": (24907) 
 #* "Elemental Oath": (51466) 
 # Attack Power % 
 #* "Abomination's Might": (53137) 
 #* "Trueshot Aura": (19506) 
 #* "Unleashed Rage": (30802) 
 # Bleeding % 
 #* "Mangle": (Bear) (33878) 
 #* "Mangle": (Cat) (33876) 
 #* "Trauma": (46856) 
 # Spell damage taken % 
 #* "Ebon Plague": (Ebon Plaguebringer) (51726) 
 #* "Earth and Moon": (60431) 
 #* "Curse of the Elements": (1490) 
 # Spell crit taken % 
 #* "Improved Scorch": (11095) 
 #* "Winter's Chill": (12579) 
 #* "Shadow Mastery": (Improved Shadow Bolt) (17800) 
 # Spell damage/healing done 
 #* "Demonic Pact": (48090) 
 #* "Flametongue Totem": (52109) 
 #* "Totem of Wrath": (57658) 
 # Spell hit % 
 #* "Improved Faerie Fire": (33600) 
 #* "Misery": (33196) 
 # Haste % 
 #* "Improved Moonkin Form": (50170) 
 #* "Swift Retribution": (53379) 
 # Damage done % 
 #* "Ferocious Inspiration": (75593) 
 #* "Sanctified Retribution": (31869) 
 # Melee & range attack speed reduced % 
 #* "Frost Fever": (55095) 
 #* "Infected Wounds": (58179) 
 #* "Judgements of the Just": (68055) 
 #* "Thunder Clap": (6343) 
 # Hit decrease % 
 #* "Insect Swarm": (5570) 
 #* "Scorpid Sting": (3043) 
 # Healing reduced % 
 #* "Wound Poison": (13218) 
 #* "Aimed Shot": (19434) 
 #* "Mortal Strike": (12294) 
 #* "Furious Attacks": (56112) 
 #* "Frostmage": () 
 #* "Improved Mind Blast": () 
 # Melee attack power reduced 
 #* "": () 
 # Damage taken reduced % 
 # Healing received % 
 # Damage taken % 
 # Spell cast time % 
 # Stats & resistance 
 # Shadow resistance 
 # Nature resistance 
 # Fire resistance 
 # Frost resistance 
 # Diseases taken % 
 # MP5 
 # Stats % 
 # Crit taken % 
 # Blessings
