


Fehler #5503

Von Pointerx vor fast 11 Jahren aktualisiert

"Seele der Macht": stackt mit "Kampfrausch": bzw. "Heldentum": 

 Seele der Macht 10060 
 Arkane Macht 12042 
 Kampfrausch 2825 
 Heldentum 32182 

 "Patch 2.4.0": Power Infusion: Infuses the target with power, increasing their spell haste by 20% and reducing the mana cost of all spells by 20%. Lasts for 15 seconds. This will not stack with other haste effects, such as Heroism, Bloodlust 
 "Patch 1.11.0": Arcane Power: This ability will no longer stack with Power Infusion. If you gain both at the same time, Arcane Power will take precedence. 
