


Textfehler #35131

Von B2B-SannerKek vor mehr als 5 Jahren aktualisiert

 What you must understand is that being able to index 10,000 years of existence has given me a rather unique perspective on life. Your present day trials and tribulations are meaningless. 

 *zu Deutsch:* 

 +When mourning the loss of Kariel Winthalus:+ 

 I very much doubt that he will have anything to say, stranger... 

 I personally did not mind him. It was the Prince who took exception to a high elf in his domain. Alas, I am not one to question the Prince. In his defense, he did not incinerate Master Winthalus immediately. 

 We most definitely do not need anymore attention drawn to us, stranger. Return to those that sent you in search of the lost master and tell them that nothing could be found. When this is done - and I will know when it is so - return and I shall reveal the secrets of the deceased. 

 *betroffener NPC:* 
 Hüter des Wissens Lydros 

