Fehler #32915
Von Daschluz vor fast 6 Jahren aktualisiert
Below you can find a complete list of spells used IC. If a spell is not listed, it shouldn't be used!
"Chillmere Coastrunner":https://db.rising-gods.de/?npc=24459:
Rupture (German: Blutung) every 15-20 seconds
Instant Poison (German: Sofort wirkendes Gift) every 7-10 seconds
"Mur'ghoul Corrupter":https://db.rising-gods.de/?npc=23645:
Corruption (German: Verderbnis) every 15-20 seconds
"Chillmere Tidehunter":https://db.rising-gods.de/?npc=24460:
Throw (German: Werfen) every 2-4 seconds
Net (German: Netz) every 14 seconds
"Mur'ghoul Flesheater":https://db.rising-gods.de/?npc=23644:
Rend (German: Verwunden) every 7-10 seconds
Shadow Bolt (German: Schattenblitz) every 5-10 seconds
Curse of Weakness (German: Fluch der Schwäche) every 25-35 seconds
Drain Life every 8 - 14 seconds when below 50% HP (That isn't affected by the fix. Haven't found a source that it should be this way, nor that this is wrong so everything stayed as it was before.)
"Chillmere Oracle":https://db.rising-gods.de/?npc=24461:
Hex of the Murloc (German: Verhexung des Murlocs) (maybe id 49935) every 15-20 seconds
Frost Nova (German: Frostnova) every 10-15 seconds
Ice Lance (German: Eislanze) every 3-5 seconds
Searing Wound (German: Sengende Wunde) (maybe id 49956) every 4-6 seconds
Rotgill should use Waypoint movement instead of random movement. Waypoints can be found in the sniff.