


Textfehler #29056

Von B2B-SannerKek vor fast 6 Jahren aktualisiert

Je nach Patch, sollte 'Friedensbewahrer Jadaar' eine andere Unterhaltung führen. Zu 2.4.3 sollte sie wie folgt aussehen: 

 +Arguments at World's End Tavern+ 
 > Peacekeeper Jadaar says: I must have taken leave of my senses, allowing a Scryer to aid in such a delicate operation... 

 > Investigator Asric says: My services were rendered. The protection of the city is not my jurisdiction. I believe that's why they call you "peacekeepers?" 
 > Peacekeeper Jadaar says: Had we been fully handling the investigation, I assure you, the evidence would have remained safe. Instead we used your highly questionable methods... 
 > Investigator Asric says: Of course. My methods are questionable. It was my methodology, I'll note, that exposed that "Griftah" as a fraud in the first place! You had only to keep the peace, and you failed in that simple task! 
 > Peacekeeper Jadaar says: [Draenei] Ashjrakamas nagasraka zekul (Translation: Incompetent, sniveling dandy.) 
 > Investigator Asric says: [Thalassian] Shan're dor'ano shan're (Translation: Pompous, uptight windbag.) 
 (Chatemote) Peacekeeper Jadaar and Investigator Asric glare at each other silently, their eyes narrowed. 
 > Peacekeeper Jadaar says: How could you have lost the evidence?! 

 > Investigator Asric says: I thought it was secure! If your peacekeepers had the clout to control the thieves of this city, this wouldn't have happened! 
 > Peacekeeper Jadaar says: You blame the peacekeepers for your failure? You were entrusted with a simple task. The troll was obviously a fraud! 
 > Investigator Asric says: And you're entrusted with keeping the city safe! How am I supposed to perform my simple task if the streets are thick with lowlifes? I can't spit in Shattrath without hitting some gruby burglar. 
 > Investigator Asric says: ...not that I would spit, of course. 
 > Peacekeeper Jadaar says: I was trying to oust one of those lowlifes you so loathe permanently! Next time, I'll be certain to specify that I require a competent investigator! 
 > Investigator Asric says: [Thalassian] Ri osa FULO talah banthalos (Translation: Do you EVER cease prattling?) 
 > Investigator Asric says: [Thalassian] Diel nei dorNi ala ni ethala do ala ri shar diel mandalas (Translation: That man didn't pay me enough to put up with this blowhard...) 
 > Peacekeeper Jadaar says: What was that? 
 > Investigator Asric says: Oh, nothing. Merely thinking aloud. 

 *betroffene NPCs:* 
 Friedensbewahrer Jadaar 
 Ermittler Asric 

 *Quellen:* *Quelle:*
