Fehler #3198
Von karn vor mehr als 12 Jahren aktualisiert
HD 123. Culling of Stratholme. Full revision and major rewrite.
- Conversion of all citizens in the instance to zombies.
- "Zombiefest!" achievement added.
- "Cullig of time" achievement added.
- Infinite Corruptor spawn and timed despawn.
- Wipe correct handling.
- "Dispelling illusions" quest fixed.
- "A Royal Escort" questtaker fixed
- In order to start the dungeon run is necessary to clear the infected boxes. (ALWAYS!)
- Option for skipping the Uther and Jaina intro if "A Royal Escort" is completed.
- Some visible triggers are now invisible.
- Spawns in last section of instance.
- Fixed Arthas despawns when players got too far from him.
- Lordaeron Crier will now announce the position of undead waves.
- Some unattackable NPCs at the town hall.