


Fehler #16634

Von Mollestus vor mehr als 8 Jahren aktualisiert

Laut diversen Quellen soll oben genanntes genannten Talent auch auf den Talentprocc selbst proccen können, jedoch weiterhin 50% des Ausgansdmgs machen können. 

 Ob das implementierbar ist kA :D 


 Die Chance ist zwar sehr gering zB für einen Triple 0,33*0,33~1,1%, 0,33*0,33~1,1% sollte aber gegeben sein :D 


 "It can indeed proc off itself, to much enjoyment when it happens with Chain Lightning. :)" 

 "I think its a bug with LO procing on LO, i was told that the bug was removed really long ago, but last time i was in MH with my shammy i got more then 30 procs on 1 CL xD and the funny thing with it was that almost every LO crited, went up 3 places on the dmg meter xD" 

 "i have had a cl proc a overload which procced a over load which procced a over load only happened once tho but was nice doing like 12 k out of one spell 
 i have some kind of addon that anounces when it is a over load how much it hits for and when the over loads procs a second overload" 

 "I've seen 4 casts from one cast once..." 

 "LO procs seem to be able to proc LO as well , while the damage the resulting spell does is still calculated as half of the original one." 

 "Yea, sounds like LO to me, I've had it triple proc once, extremely rare but possible." 
 Ist zwar Cata: "This lava burst procc'd ANOTHER elemental overload, sending a THIRD lava burst towards him. TRIPLE LAVA BURST."
