



Fehler #42692


Icecrown Quest - The Admiral Revealed uses wrong damage values for Barean Westwind

Von ZanathKariashi vor etwa 1 Monat hinzugefügt. Vor etwa 1 Monat aktualisiert.

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The Grand Admiral Barean Westwind for this quest is dealing 16-20k base atk damage, which is around 5 times more damage than he should be dealing. his actual damage values are the same as Normal Culling of Strathholme Mal'ganis in the 3-4k range.

On a Naxx geared plate wearer he should only hit for 1.8-2k damage, with a Tier9+ being able to solo him relatively easily, and is noted by several Wowhead posts from all across Wrath's patch history from 3.03 to 3.3 to be unexpectedly easy to solo for a 5 man group npc with plate-wearers/shaman simply tanking his damage and kill him before he kills them, while other classes could kite/out-heal his damage to kill him.

With his current stats he can deal over 30k damage in 1-2 seconds to T10 geared prot pally which is way out of line for what stats he should have.

Even with a group he's able to kill a geared tank almost instantly which is not normal behavior for this quest.

Aktionen #1

Von ZanathKariashi vor etwa 1 Monat aktualisiert

ZanathKariashi schrieb:

The Grand Admiral Barean Westwind for this quest is dealing 16-20k base atk damage, which is around 5 times more damage than he should be dealing. his actual damage values are the same as Normal Culling of Strathholme Mal'ganis in the 3-4k range.

On a Naxx geared plate wearer he should only hit for 1.8-2k damage, with a Tier9+ being able to solo him relatively easily, and is noted by several Wowhead posts from all across Wrath's patch history from 3.03 to 3.3 to be unexpectedly easy to solo for a 5 man group npc with plate-wearers shaman simply tanking his damage and kill him before he kills them, while other classes could kite/out-heal his damage to kill him.

With his current stats he can deal over 30k damage in 1-2 seconds to T10 geared prot pally which is way out of line for what stats he should have.

Even with a group he's able to kill a geared tank almost instantly which is not normal behavior for this quest.


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