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[Event][Neujahr] Neujahrsfeier

Von Jeora vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt.

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Die Quests können nur während des Events angenommen werden und sind einmalig machbar (im Folgejahr nicht mehr)

Questtexte für die Allianzquest:

Hallo! Seid Ihr wegen der Party hier? Oder wollt Ihr nur ein wenig Eure müden Füße ausruhen?

Oh, meine Vorräte von Kokelwälder! Großartig! Die brauche ich dringend, um all die hungrigen Mäuler während der Feierlichkeiten zu stopfen!

Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe, <Name>. Bitte, nehmt dies als Belohnung an und vergesst nicht mit den anderen draußen zu trinken und zu tanzen!

Zu jeder vollen Stunde nach Sonnenuntergang (18:00 - Mitternacht) sollen in den Hauptstädten Feuerwerke hochgehen.

Schlafende Wachen in Beutebucht:
Alle Wachen in Beutebucht sollen schlafen und niemanden angreifen

Feiernder von Beutebucht sollen in Beutebucht schlafen
Weitere Feiernde sollen in den Hauptstädten sein, wenn man mit ihnen tanzt soll man den Buff Gute Zeiten feiern! bekommen

Festtagskrug und Festtagsfass:
An einem Festtagsfass soll man Voller Festtagskrug erhalten
Dazu müssen auch Festtagskrüge auf Tischen herumstehen


December 31st - January 1st

Fireworks: [...] Their latest and greatest - not to mention highly dangerous to operate -- creations will be on display in the cities of the world every hour after sunset. Keep your eyes to the skies, and be sure to stick around for the finale!

Revelers, All: Many soldiers formerly abroad have come home to engage in the festivities

Guards asleep on duty, as Booty Bay becomes a PvP graveyard.

This is a once per lifetime quest. You can only do this once. (per toon)

This is a great event to get Bloodsail rep, hitting the NPC's in Booty Bay when the guards are asleep.

Can’t make it out to catch the fireworks IRL? Don’t worry, as they’ll be happening in every major city and Booty Bay starting at 6 PM server time. Fireworks shows will happen every hour, on the hour, until 2022 arrives to your server.

Revelers can be found all around these areas too, and if you dance emote back to them, you’ll even receive a special buff.
Celebrate Good Times! increases all stats by 10% for 30 minutes. Why would they include such a short buff on New Years? Well, Booty Bay guards will all be fast asleep, which means the area is wide open to any and all PvP all night.

Don’t forget to grab a Festive Filled Mug as well, which grants the “Lightheaded” effect that slows your falling, to really ring in 2022 in style.

By adashiel (279,482 – 19·104·922) <PrintScreen All-Star> on 2007/09/21 (Patch 2.1.3)
Booty Bay revelers are goblin seasonal NPCs. They celebrate the New Year and the end of the Midsummer Fire Festival (coincides with the U.S. Independence Day).

By 39449 (2,240 – 3·27) on 2007/07/04 (Patch 2.1.2)
If you /dance with an celebrator, he or she will start to dance self and then buff you.

By 118286 (4,863 – 1·8·41) on 2009/02/03 (Patch 3.0.8)
this cannot be used in combat

By 7344 (9,482 – 2·35·54) on 2006/12/31 (Patch 2.0.1)
On New Years Eve 2005 Empty Festive Mugs ( were given out in major cities, by clicking on a Festive Keg, you filled your mug and received one of these.

craigbenting on 2021/05/09 (Patch 9.0.5)
My sons and I have played since near 2005 and one New Year's Eve we filled up our bags with filled festive cups. On January 1st, our bags were empty except for one in the upper left corner of our first backpack. Drank that one and found the bug -- all the ones we filled our bags with were hidden. I've used them occasionally since then, around 15 years, until yesterday when it finally was replaced with an "Empty Festive Mug", and I thought, "Oh, all these years and I finally ran out of my free slowfall bug!" And today the Filled Festive Mug is back, along with the empty one. Yay for Blizz!

By 7344 (9,482 – 2·35·54) on 2006/12/31 (Patch 2.0.1)
These were given out in the major cities on New Years Eve 2005. Tables are around the Trade district of Stormwind covered with these mugs. Simply pick up a mug go to a Festive Keg (about 3 feet away) and fill your mug to receive Filled Festival Mug (

Free Beer to all.

By 511958 (211 – 1·3) on 2009/12/31 (Patch 3.3.0)
Also available now 31/12/2009.Enjoy.

  • Feuerwerksevents (wie genau sollen sie aussehen)
  • Feiernde Positionen
  • Fässer und Krüge Positionen

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