



Fehler #41005


[Düsterbruch] Ogerkönig wirkt nicht bei Hauptmann Krombruch

Von usernameusername vor etwa 2 Jahren hinzugefügt. Vor etwa 2 Jahren aktualisiert.

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Wenn man sich von "Mizzle der Gewiefte" den Buff "König der Gordok" geben lässt bleibt der NPC "Hauptmann Krombruch" als einzigster Oger in der Instanz auf feindselig, dabei sollte der Buff bewirken dass man mit ALLEN Ogern im Düsterbruch auf Verbündetenstatus kommt.
Von skyoverheaven (2,810 – 1·7·26) am 2006.12.14 (Patch 2.0.1)
If you are doing the DM Tribute run (as in, not killing any of the named mobs/bosses), Captain Kromcrush's encounter can be completely skipped over (and plus it's fun and entertaining to watch!). If you have someone in your party create the Gordok Ogre Suit ( and then have someone wear the suit, that person will be able to talk to Captain Kromcrush. After a funny conversation, the Captain will run off, leaving you free to continue on your way. If you do not kill Kromcrush, it adds his "loot" to the Tribute Chest at the end. Don't forget to visit him after you've been "crowned" king and received the "King" bufff -- you will be able to talk to him, and he will give you a quest for DM West called "Unfinished Gordok Business" (

Von Fearghail (6,957 – 1·8·17) am 2010.09.27 (Patch 3.3.5)
Funniest thing just happened when I went to hand in "Unfinished Gordok Business". Instead of taking the reward you can engage in some dialogue mischief...

Captain Kromcrush: What you doin' wandering around here? Why them small fries not in da shackles?
You: Um, I'm taking some prisoners we found outside before the king for punishment.
Captain Kromcrush: Do I see them with weapons still? Why you let them keep their weapons?
You: Er... that's how I found them. I wanted to show the king that they were a threat. Say Captain... I overhead Guard Fengus calling you a fat, useless knoll lover.
Captain Kromcrush yells:Hey, who Fengus callin' a gnoll lover? Take da prisoners to da king; you smart to bring them with their weapons and show da king that they a threat. I'll go see if Fengus talk smack when I give him da beatdown! HAR!
(He then marches back enraged supposedly to confront Fengus, but they don't fight regardless of whether Fengus is already dead or still alive.)
Captain Kromcrush yells: OK Fengus, where you at? You come call me a gnoll lover while I give you da hammer upside da head!
The Captain can now be targeted. If you kill the Captain he summons a hard-hitting (careful lowbies) Guardian and several adds.
So, to hand in the quest I was on, I reset and killed the king again to make the Captain friendly - it also works if you have a Gordok Orge Suit handy.

Der König Buff sollte den also auf Verbündetenstatus setzen ABER nach dem Dialog + beschriebenen Abläufen sollte er angreifbar werden und er sollte auch anfangs auf feindselig sein wie die restlichen NPCs.

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Duplikat von RG Live WotLK 3.3.5a - Fehler #37901: [Quest][Düsterbruch] Die offene Rechnung der GordokReady02.05.2020Aktionen
Aktionen #1

Von Jeora vor etwa 2 Jahren aktualisiert

  • Duplikat von Fehler #37901: [Quest][Düsterbruch] Die offene Rechnung der Gordok wurde hinzugefügt
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Von Jeora vor etwa 2 Jahren aktualisiert

  • Status wurde von Neu zu Duplikat geändert

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