Fehler #36871
offen[Schlotternächte] Süderstade: Spawn von Argloser Stadtbewohner/Verlassener Witzbold
In Süderstade sollte alle paar Minuten ein Argloser Stadtbewohner spawnen, der sich in einen Verlassener Witzbold verwandelt und Stinkbomben wirft.
Die Stinkbomben sollen dann von den Allianzlern für die Quest Die Kraft der Pinie verwendet werden können.
He spawns as an Innocuous Townsman who appears at the Southshore inn every five or ten minutes during Hallow's End. He's a forsaken wearing a Human Male Mask, and says "Mmmm... There's nothing like good, home-cooked human food." He then cackles and says "I lied. Your miserable food stinks, but not as much as this town is going to stink!", changes his name plate to "Forsaken Prankster", and tosses some stink bombs. He then hightails it back toward Tarren Mill, despawning a little ways down the road.
He was likely introduced, because, in past years, Alliance players had to wait for Horde to complete Stinking Up Southshore before they could do The Power of Pine.
It's a level one undead male & right before he throws the stink bombs he turns into a Forsaken Prankster. The timer is short, no more than 2-3 minutes.
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