Fehler #35668
offen[Priest][Spell] Hymns of Hope from different priests not stacking
If 2 Priests cast Hymn of Hope (https://db.rising-gods.de/?spell=64901) at the same time, the buff that increases the mana (https://db.rising-gods.de/?spell=64904) should stack additively, resulting in a 40% mana increase for the target.
[21:25:11.589] Neyor casts Hymn of Hope
[21:25:13.334] Hibyez gains 552 mana from Neyor's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:13.334] Hibyez gains Hymn of Hope from Neyor
First, the Priest called Neyor casts Hymn. The Shaman Hibyez receives the first tick of Hymn, gains 552 mana from it, and has his mana pool increased 20% after the tick.
[21:25:16.550] Hibyez gains 663 mana from Neyor's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:16.550] Hibyez's Hymn of Hope is refreshed by Neyor
[21:25:18.154] Hibyez gains 663 mana from Neyor's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:18.154] Hibyez's Hymn of Hope is refreshed by Neyor
Since the Shaman now has 20% more mana, the next 2 Hymns restore 20% more mana as a result.
[21:25:18.421] Phlaryu casts Hymn of Hope
[21:25:20.166] Hibyez gains 663 mana from Phlaryu's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:20.166] Hibyez gains Hymn of Hope from Phlaryu
A second Priest, Phlaryu, now casts his Hymn of Hope. Phlaryu gains 663 mana again, but now gains a second Hymn of Hope buff.
[21:25:21.726] Hibyez gains 773 mana from Phlaryu's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:21.726] Hibyez's Hymn of Hope is refreshed by Phlaryu
[21:25:23.412] Hibyez gains 773 mana from Phlaryu's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:23.412] Hibyez's Hymn of Hope is refreshed by Phlaryu
[21:25:24.956] Hibyez gains 773 mana from Phlaryu's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:24.956] Hibyez's Hymn of Hope is refreshed by Phlaryu
The 2 Hymn of Hope stacks increase his mana by 40%. We can deduce that they interact additively because the mana gain going from 552 -> 663 (111 mana gained) is almost equivalent to the mana gained going from 663 -> 773 (110 mana gained).
[21:25:26.204] Neyor's Hymn of Hope fades from Hibyez
[21:25:33.070] Phlaryu's Hymn of Hope fades from Hibyez
Later, both the Hymn buffs are seen fading separately.
Can also be confirmed with paladin mana gains:
[21:25:13.334] Holypalaswe gains 1328 mana from Neyor's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:13.334] Holypalaswe gains Hymn of Hope from Neyor
[21:25:16.550] Holypalaswe gains 1594 mana from Neyor's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:16.550] Holypalaswe's Hymn of Hope is refreshed by Neyor
[21:25:23.412] Holypalaswe gains 1593 mana from Phlaryu's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:23.412] Holypalaswe gains Hymn of Hope from Phlaryu (the second Priest)
[21:25:24.956] Holypalaswe gains 1859 mana from Phlaryu's Hymn of Hope
[21:25:24.956] Holypalaswe's Hymn of Hope is refreshed by Phlaryu
1328*1.2 = 1593.6
1328*1.4 = 1859.2
Von Connex vor mehr als 4 Jahren aktualisiert
- Status wurde von Bestätigt zu Neu geändert
Von silenos vor fast 2 Jahren aktualisiert
Zwei weitere Quellen:
http://talesofapriest.com/hymn-of-hope-our-misunderstood-little-friend/ (Stand ICC)
Oh yes – these stack. HoH is a trainable spell, so every shadow, holy and disc priest in your raid has it. So if Holy Priest Larry, Disc Priest Moe, and Shadow Priest Curly pop this at the same time, the mana return goes from 3% per tick to 9% per tick, and the maximum mana boost goes from 20% to 60%! So, following our VERY SIMPLE model with no external factors, if Larry, Moe & Curly all have 30,000 mana, they now have 48,000 mana and will return 4320 mana per tick.
https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Hymn_of_Hope (Wurde erst zu einen späteren Patchstand geschrieben, habe aber keine Patchnotes gefunden, aus denen ersichtlich wird, das es mal anders war)
Multiple priests channeling Hymn of Hope can cause the bonus mana increase to stack, further increasing mana gained through the above abilities.