Fehler #35582
geschlossen[Shaman][Spell] Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave works only if Earth Shield is cast by the shaman with the glyph
Der Effekt der [item=41535] wirkt nun unabhängig davon, welcher Schamane [spell=49284] auf das Ziel bufft.
If a shaman has Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave (https://db.rising-gods.de/?item=41535) and heals a target that has Earth Shield (https://db.rising-gods.de/?spell=49284) casted from another shaman, the glyph will not work. Lesser Healing Wave will only heal for more if the Earth Shield is casted by the shaman that has the glyph. The glyph should work no matter who casted the Earth Shield on the target.
"Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave: Tooltip and functionality corrected to ensure this glyph will cause extra healing from Lesser Healing Wave regardless of which shaman cast Earth Shield on the target."
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