Fehler #35581
offen[Shaman][Spell] Spells that consume Nature's Swiftness also consume haste buffs in the same cast
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If a shaman has Tidal Waves (https://db.rising-gods.de/?spell=51566) or T10 2P set bonus (https://db.rising-gods.de/?spell=70807) active for example, or even both of them at the same time and while they are active, he uses Nature's Swiftness (https://db.rising-gods.de/?spell=16188), the next spell cast will be instant, consume Nature's Swiftness and also a stack of Tidal Waves and the T10 2P set bonus. This is obviously very wrong and the spell should only consume Nature's Swiftness.
proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz6bMsBi4yc&feature=youtu.be&t=8m28s here you can see he procs tidal waves, then uses nature's swiftness and then casts healing touch. Only nature's swiftness was consumed.
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