Fehler #35479
geschlossen[Pet][Shaman] Feral Spirit Wolves scaling is basically non-existant
Die Skalierung des Schamanen-Talents [spell=51533] wurde überarbeitet und sollte sich nun korrekt an das Level und die Werte des Spielers anpassen.
Basically, Spirit Wolves (https://db.rising-gods.de/?npc=29264) that are summoned by Feral Spirit (https://db.rising-gods.de/?spell=51533) seem to posses no scaling on their stats at all.
https://imgur.com/Jl7jDBi - this is at level 80 with a naked character with no AP bonuses at all on my char (char sheet - https://imgur.com/eSd0V3b)
First off, the base stat scaling for Spirit Wolves is off. Look at it.. they have 22 str and agi on lvl 80, that's simply not correct. Spirit wolves should have scaling which results in base strength of 331 and base agility of 113 at level 80! Quick math tells me its 3.912 STR per level and 1.152 agility per level.
Second, it would seem that the wolves either don't gain 2 AP per 1 STR, OR they do not inherit 30% of shamans AP when they are summoned. As you can see, 22*2 + 332*0.3 = 143.6 BUT wolves have 126 AP.
So the formula for AP at lvl 80 should be:
(331 * 2 + 0.30 * [Shaman AP])
If we are to count additional 30%ap from glyph and addition 10% from unleashed rage buff from shaman (which they should be affected by) we get:
(331 * 2 + 0.60 * [Shaman AP]) * 1.1
I did not test this but they should inherit the shaman's hit rating (1.0 scale factor) and their attacks should fall under 1H/2H attack table which means they should hit cap at 8% (262 hit rating). Might as well check while you're at it I guess. At a small glance it seemed fine to me cause I was hit capped and they didn't seem to miss on dummies but best to check to make sure.
https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/624759-*Enhancement-Shaman-FAQ-(3-3) (on the bottom of the post you have a lot of this info as well)
Also, here the rawr source code extract mentioning base str/agi values, hit values from shaman and glancing blows:
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