Fehler #34002
offen[Hexer] Sukkubus - Verführung auto casts
Derzeit ist das Verhalten der Sukkubus bezüglich des Spells Verführen (https://db.rising-gods.de/?spell=6358#modified-by) nicht richtig. Wenn man das Pet auf auto-cast bei Seduce stellt castet es diese weiter, auch wenn das Target bereits komplett immun ist durch diminishing returns. Dabeie läuft das Pet nach dem dritten Seduce direkt auf das Ziel um in den Nahkampf zu wechseln um dann immer wieder Seduce zu casten bis es oom ist, auch wenn das Ziel immun ist.
Normalerweise sollte der Cast nicht wiederholt werden sobald das Ziel komplett immun aufgrund des diminishing returns.
Quelle: https://www.wowhead.com/spell=6358/seduction#comments:id=396944
" Von 7598462153 (8,063 – 1·8·74) am 2008.10.05 (Patch 3.0.1)
With regards to the auto-cast behavior, the Succubus seems to follow this pattern (with auto-cast turned on, obviously):
-If there is one target on the "attack list" of the succubus (that is, either you have told it to attack only one target or only one target has attacked you if the succubus is in defensive stance, etc.,) it will attack the target normally without using seduction.
-If you set it to attack one target and then a second, it will cast Seduction on the FIRST target you set it to attack, and continue to cast if Seduction runs out or is broken until:
a) target 1 is immune because of DR's
b) target 1 is dead (in which case it will attack target 2) or
c) target 2 is dead, in which case it will continue to seduce target 1 until the current Seduction spell cast has run out or breaks, and then it will attack target 1
... "
Von Jeora vor etwa 6 Jahren aktualisiert
- Tags wurde auf Warlock, Classes, Spell, Pet gesetzt
- Beschreibung aktualisiert (Vergleich)
- Status wurde von Neu zu Bestätigt geändert
Succubus only tries to seduce an immune target if the pet is not in melee range. When the target has DR, Succubus tries seducing 3-4 times, then will walk to the target and start melee attacking it.
If there is one target on the "attack list" of the succubus (that is, either you have told it to attack only one target or only one target has attacked you if the succubus is in defensive stance, etc.,) it will attack the target normally without using seduction.
This is not the case right now. Succubus uses seduction if it is set to auto cast, even if there is only one target nearby. Could not find more proof for this behaviour, would need to open a new ticket for this issue.