



Fehler #31326


ICD of Enchantments should be triggered on equip

Von Veylen vor fast 7 Jahren hinzugefügt. Vor mehr als 6 Jahren aktualisiert.

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Analog zu #30728 soll auch der interne CD von Verzauberungen auf Gegenständen (bspw. Schwarzmagie) beim anlegen ausgelöst werden.
Diese Änderung kam vermutlich zusammen mit folgender Änderung in Patch 3.2.0

Items with Triggered Effects: These items generally have cooldowns on how often they can be triggered. Those cooldowns are now triggered each time the item is equipped (Patchnotes 3.2.0)

Dass dies auch für die Verzauberungen gilt, sieht man u.a. am Kommentar von diesem Addon

First, Blizzard has made changes so that when you swap an item, the internal cooldown on any of its procs/buffs is reset. This means swapping in Val'anyr or a weapon with Black Magic wouldn't work anymore; you can't avoid their internal cooldowns.

Das bedeutet in Kombination mit vorangegangenen Tickets, das bei allem was einen ICD hat dieser beim anlegen triggert wird.

In addition to changes made in #30728 internal Cooldowns of Item Enchantments (e.g. Black Magic) should as well be triggert on equip.
This was likely introduced with Patch 3.2.0

Items with Triggered Effects: These items generally have cooldowns on how often they can be triggered. Those cooldowns are now triggered each time the item is equipped (Patchnotes 3.2.0)

While the Statement above doesn't clearly say this change applies to Enchantments, too, the comment of the author of this Addon doesn't leave any doubts.

First, Blizzard has made changes so that when you swap an item, the internal cooldown on any of its procs/buffs is reset. This means swapping in Val'anyr or a weapon with Black Magic wouldn't work anymore; you can't avoid their internal cooldowns.

With former Tickets in mind we can conclude that if anything with an internal cooldown gets equipped, the associated cooldown should be triggered.

Aktionen #4

Von Veylen vor mehr als 6 Jahren aktualisiert

  • Status wurde von Bestätigt zu Abgewiesen geändert

This got already fixed.
I'm just to stupid to test accordingly.


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