Fehler #30802
geschlossen[Core][Creature] Nonaggressive Minions won't attack owners engaged targets
Das Kampfverhalten von angreifenden Totems wurde überarbeitet.
There's been a recent fix in the Creatures target evaluation logic, allowing nonaggressive mobs to target engaged units
// if I'm already fighting target, or I'm hostile towards the target, the target is acceptable
if (IsEngagedBy(target) || IsHostileTo(target))
return true;
However, this doesn't extend to Units that are engaged with a summoned minions owner. This ie. makes the TotemAI-target hack required, which we want to replace now.
Zugehörige Tickets
Von Juliean vor fast 7 Jahren aktualisiert
- Blockiert Fehler #30664: TotemAI rework wurde hinzugefügt
Von Juliean vor fast 7 Jahren aktualisiert
- Status wurde von Neu zu Testbereit geändert
The effects should be notable on the new totem AI: When you attack a (neutral) mob, and then summon an attacking totem (searing, ...), it should engage with the mob (even if you are not currently attacking it).
Von Juliean vor fast 7 Jahren aktualisiert
An additional issue has been fixed. Principially, it should make aggressive totems work against low-level mobs, and it might also solve the randomly appearing Escort NPC infight-bug (untestified).