Fehler #29971
geschlossenFehler #29965: Waffen/Gegenstände die mit Rüstungs zerreißen, Feenfeuer oder Donnerknall stacken
[Item][Zauber] Frostwache "Kälte" stackt mit Donnerknall und Donnerzorn -> proc chance anpassen
WoWHead comment
I don't know if this icey effect loses power when affecting levels 61s+ like the normal icey enchant. If not this could be better than it seems. How about you wait for the only rare spawn that drops it and give it to a blacksmith who's gonna take a ton of time making it. Another thing is I can only name one other way of icey effecting over 60 monsters/players, Enchant Weapon - Deathfrost. Just search for it. But it may be hard to find DATA about it let alone it in the game.
lilhellion on 2008/06/27 (Patch 2.4.2)
It is the exact same proc as icy, Meaning it has the same effect on icy, so if icy does not work well after 61 then neither will this.
Quelle: http://www.wowhead.com/item=12797/frostguard#comments
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