Fehler #26663
offen[NPC][Alteracgebirge] Kerkermeister Borhuin - möglicher Spawnpunkt fehlt
'Kerkermeister Borhuin' sollte zwei Spawnpunkte haben. Aktuell ist er immer an ein und der selben Stelle.
By zomg123 (3,839 – 12·38) on 2007/08/24 (Patch 2.1.3)
He's in both the inn and Town Hall.
november on 2007/11/23 (Patch 2.3.0)
When he is in the inn, he will be upstairs in the room on the right hand side right next to the one where Gol'dir is held. When in the Town Hall, he will be towards the back of the place.
By xyverz (794 – 11·5) on 2009/04/10 (Patch 3.0.9)
This guy is also located in the house directly across from the inn. If he's there, he's on the ground floor, next to the stairs.
betroffener NPC:
Kerkermeister Borhuin https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?npc=2431
Von B2B-SannerKek vor mehr als 7 Jahren aktualisiert
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