Fehler #26662
offen[NPC][Vorgebirge des Hügellands] Minenarbeiter Hackett - Spawnpunkte fehlen
Minenarbeiter Hackett steht aktuell immer an ein und der selben Stelle. Er sollte jedoch mindestens zwei verschiedene Spawnpunkte haben, evtl. sogar drei.
By kyrofi (1,130 – 1·11) on 2007/10/23 (Patch 2.2.3)
Yeah i found him right with Foreman Bonds. He's definitely in the mines, just has a lot of spawn spots.
By darthveda (5,947 – 1·15·64) on 2007/08/02 (Patch 2.1.3)
He can spawn in the center room of the mine at 29,55.
Or in the back room at 31,52.
There's probably other spawn locations but I'm not going to spend all day in this place :P
betroffener NPC:
Minenarbeiter Hackett https://tbcdb.rising-gods.de/?npc=2450
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