



Fehler #26489


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Fehler #26485: [Sonstiges][Unterstadt] Menschen Testperson Raum

[Sonstiges][Unterstadt] Apotheker Keifer - Ereignis fehlt

Von B2B-SannerKek vor mehr als 7 Jahren hinzugefügt. Vor mehr als 7 Jahren aktualisiert.

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Apotheker Keifer kniet momentan dauerhaft vor dem 'Eingesperrten Eichhörnchen' führt jedoch keine weiteren Aktionen durch. Und Eingesperrter Menschenmann ist fälschlicherweise zur gleichen Zeit wie das 'Eingesperrte Eichhörnchen' da.
Folgendes sollte passieren:
Apotheker Keifer sollte 'Eingesperrter Menschenmann' in eine Kröte verwandeln, anschließend in ein Eichhörnchen, dann in einen Hasen und am Ende in ein Schaf, welches er solange anstubst bis es explodiert. Die Explosion macht an Spielern keinen oder sehr niedrigen Schaden ( 0-1 ??? ). Die Texte füge ich nun dazu, außerdem Videos und Quellen weiter unten.


Apothecary Keever says: Hmm, it would seem Keever needs a new subject. If that fool, Abernathy, keeps taking Keever's subjects, Keever may have to have a word with him.
Apothecary Keever says: Ahh, there we go, now Keever must try this vial and see if it works.
Apothecary Keever forces the fluid down the weary man's throat. Apothecary Keever pokes the small toad.

(Man turns into toad)

Apothecary Keever says: Not what Keever was hoping for. Keever may have added too much earthroot. Let's see if the second serum will do what I need.
Apothecary Keever feeds the toad some of the strange liquid.

(Subject turns into squirrel)

Apothecary Keever pokes the fuzzy squirrel with obvious disappointment.
Apothecary Keever says: Well, this is just not right. The creature is far too small. Let us see what Keever's third batch will do.
Apothecary Keever feeds the squirrel some of the viscous fluid.

(Turns into rabbit)

Apothecary Keever pokes the skittish rabbit.
Apothecary Keever says: Keever is unhappy with this. Prehaps if Keever were to try a larger dose, that may fix this dilemma.
Apothecary Keever grabs the rabbit and pours the liquid down its throat.
Apothecary Keever says: What is this? Did Keever ask for a sheep? Keever wanted a weapon of great power and all he got was this sheep. Keever is very disappointed.
Apothecary Keever pokes the wooly sheep repeatedly.

(sheep explodes)

Apothecary Keever says: Keever is most pleased.

zu Deutsch:

Von PotatoKing (8,917 – 2·9·57) am 2009.10.16 (Patch 3.2.2)

He is turned by Apothecary Keever into a:

Caged Toad, Caged Squirrel, Caged Rabbit and Caged Sheep

Von Nappa (3,684 – 10·36) am 2008.08.08 (Patch 2.4.3)

If you stand there while Apothecary Keever is with the Caged Human Male/Female, you will see Keever do such things as:

Apothecary Keever pokes the wooley sheep repeatedly.
Apothecary Keever grabs the rabbit and pours the fluid down it's throat, then sets it back in the cage.
Apothecary Keever pokes the skittish rabbit
Apothecary Keever feeds the rabbit some viscous fluid.
Apothecary Keever forces the fluid down the weary man's throat
Apothecary Keever pokes the small toad.
Apothecary Keever pokes the small fuzzy squirrel with obvious disappointment
Apothecary Keever feeds the toad some strange liquid

Gotta love the undead!

Von Ghoulcraft (5,245 – 1·10·94) am 2010.03.20 (Patch 3.3.2)

Also, its seems this Apothecary has created the first organic explosive sheep.

"Apothecary Keever grabs the rabbit and pours the fluid down it's throat, then sets it back in the cage."

Apothecary Keever says: What is this? Did Keever ask for a sheep? Keever wanted a weapon of great power, and all he got was this sheep. Keever is very disappointed.

"Apothecary Keever pokes the wooley sheep repeatedly."

The sheep explodes and fire is sprayed everywhere for some reason

Apothecary keever says: Keever is most pleased!

Apothecary Keever laughs.

-if you stand near the explosion you will be damaged slightly.
-perhaps keever was putress's apprentice?

betroffene Quest:
Apotheker Keifer <Königliche Apothekervereinigung>
Eingesperrte Kröte
Eingesperrter Hase
Eingesperrtes Schaf
Eingesperrtes Eichhörnchen
Eingesperrter Menschenmann



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Beziehung mit B2B Live TBC 2.4.3 - Fehler #27324: Ereignisse in der SpielweltIn Bearbeitung02.09.2016Aktionen
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