Fehler #18186
geschlossen[Pechschwingenhort][Vaelastrasz der Verdrobene]Brennendes Adrenalin
Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene im Pechschwingenhort vergibt den Debuff "Brennendes Adrenalin" nun alle 45 Sekunden an den aktuellen Maintank und alle 15 Sekunden an drei zufällige Ziele, welche Mana als Ressource beziehen. http://i.imgur.com/w6Yu4Bk.jpg
Die Fähigkeit "Brennendes Adrenalin" wird derzeit nciht vom Boss vergeben.
Uaszug aus wowwiki:
"Burning Adrenaline [2]
Damage done increased by 100%. Attack speed increased by 100%. Spells become instant cast. Reduces max health by 5% every second; eventually causes player to die.
Vael only casts Burning Adrenaline in two scenarios: He will cast it on random mana users throughout the fight and he will cast it on the current tank every 45 seconds. 1 tank killed every 45 seconds for 3 minutes --> 3 / 0.75=4 tanks. When the MT is afflicted, healers must be ready to transition to the next tank while keeping the old one up at the same time until the debuff kills him. Thus, the fight requires 4 tanks in a threat-building queue. An acceptable scenario is the first tank going up and applying 3 Sunders before the second tank moves in, who applies 3 Sunders before the next tank comes in, and so forth.
The first person to get Burning Adrenaline should hold back from generating threat. However, as the fight continues, the tanks are able to apply threat by spamming every threat-generating ability available in addition to spamming Execute with nearly-full rage bars (once Vael gets below 20% health). Once in the safe position, players are free to go hog-wild doing damage as its mathematically impossible to catch up to the tank if he/she is doing their job.
When mana-using raid members are afflicted, they must move away to a designated area or bomb the raid with a 4376 to 5624 AoE blast. Non mana users will not be afflicted unless they are currently tanking Vaelastrasz. Note that ice blocks or divine shield will not prevent this debuff from killing the player. "
Derzeit taucht der Spell rein gar nicht auf und macht den Boss somit entsprechend langweilig.
NPS-ID: https://db.rising-gods.de/?npc=13020
Spell-ID: https://db.rising-gods.de/?spell=18173
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Bedeutung Live:
Der Bug wurde erfolgreich behoben und der Fix dazu befindet sich auf dem Spielserver. Sollte der Fehler weiterhin bestehen sollte ein neues Ticket ( https://redmine.rising-gods.de/projects/live/issues/new ) erstellt werden. Anmerkungen in dem alten abgewiesenen oder live genommenen Ticket werden ignoriert und gelöscht.