Fehler #11470
geschlossen[Quest]: Arelions Tagebuch
Zone: Höllenfeuerhalbinsel
Der Rucksack der das q-item beinhaltet (40,37) lässt sich nicht öffnen (Prozess beginnt, es öffnet sich aber kein Loot/Gesprächsfenster.
Von B2B-OmasMudder vor mehr als 10 Jahren aktualisiert
Link zum Quest: http://de.wowhead.com/quest=9374
Link zum Item: http://de.wowhead.com/item=23339
Von B2B-ICEMANROCKT vor mehr als 10 Jahren aktualisiert
Auf dem Testserver ging es tadellos. Vllt trat bei dir folgender fall ein?: Be slightly careful on this one. I read the comments and saw the bag on the tree, next to the corpse. The cog came on on my mouse pointer and I looted the bag and then shot back to turn in the quest and couldn't understand why it wouldn't let me do it. I looked through my bags and found that I had looted a knapsack with some worthless stuff in it. Had auto-loot on and never checked!
Had to go back and kill loads of slimes. The journal dropped from one of the small oozlings rather than the big one so check them all!
zuiko am 2007.12.02 (Patch 2.3.0)
Yea... the journal was not in the bag for me either. I would guess somebody came along and took only the journal, leaving the rest of the junk in there. So if you get the bag, be nice and take all the junk so it respawns for the next guy.
Von B2B-ICEMANROCKT vor etwa 10 Jahren aktualisiert
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